About Us
RSA Management Group is an MWBE purchasing and management consortium for Randolph-Sheppard Vendors and Veterans, and is privately held and led by Lori and John Murn. Lori Murn is the RSA Management Group CEO, and is a former consultant to Chase Bank. John Murn is the current President of the New York State Automatic Vending Association, and he led the Taste NY Vending Initiative, which premiered at the Great New York State Fair in 2014.
RSA Management Group is an industry leader in developing options to make it easier for blind entrepreneurs to provide healthier choices to their customers. RSA Management Group has helped develop programs that offer healthier options to over a million students in New York each day, while also developing programs for hospitals and corporate America.
We believe in consistently delivering superior service that benefits both our members and our distributors.
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There are no out of pocket expenses to join, but rather a share of the rebates earned. Rebates are with all of the major beverage and snack manufacturers.
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